She Fitness
florence zhuAbout She Fitness
Ratings & Reviews
Review Summary
People generally like the She Fitness app, praising its ease of use, accessibility for beginners, and variety of exercises, though some users have experienced privacy concerns, pop-up ads, and technical issues.
Makes me feel great and the exercises aren't very difficult to do .. so have fun and turn up the music
Only used for 1 day so far but simple and useful. There are different levels of difficulty.
gng do not get this app, im a fatass who wanted to workout but it kept randomly opening out of nowhere and kept popping up everywhere, it's like evil Larry, you can't escape it 😖
I immediately uninstalled it before using as it wants permission to have access to all my msgs plus to send msgs, I don't want that and because I don't I can't use the app. Somehow it isn't protecting my privacy if I have to give them access to my texts
I couldn't get the program as my email was not was correct.i will cancel my joining.
Very easy to understand and follow along
It's hard for a beginner, but I manage to 3/12.
Only goes if you allow it to access all your apps
Easy to follow and free
Not paying for help in finding an exercise regamond