Allergan, Inc.About Allē
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New Push notifications is now available for Allē Enhanced * Improvements to content navigation on the Home and Discover screens. PRT148007-v13 02/22
Ratings & Reviews
Review Summary
Users generally dislike the Allē app due to constant issues with login, two-factor authentication, crashing, and slow performance, despite occasional customer service assistance and sparse positive feedback.
So, I have used the app since January. Has worked fine. Last time I used it I logged in not a problem. Then tried to log in a few days ago while I was at my appointment, and the app only freezes. Sends a code for a two part authentication, but freezes to a white box that does nothing and goes nowhere. Frustrated, had to call and talk to a person so I could get my points. Right now the app is totally useless 😡
Update: After I left my original review, the app started working 2 weeks later. BUT.............. after the October 29 update that says freezing during login was fixed, it started freezing again. Doesnt work. the app uses 2 factor authentication when you log in. I get to the point where the system texts me a code. in the app a screen pops up to enter the code, but there is nowhere there to enter it. at that point I have to force stop the app to get out of it & start the process all over again.
Great program, terrible app. The app almost never goes past the opening screen. I have to reset my password EVERY TIME (this includes the actual website as well, so it's the program on both). I've had my account for about 6 years now and it's only gotten worse. I'll change my password tonight and by my appt. tomorrow, I'll have to change it again just so she can use my points. The app....never works.
Brilliant Distinctions is now Allé. They don't have their new app yet but the old BD apps do not work any more. If you go on their web site or contact them by phone they will help you migrate to the new program with your points. They were very helpful and even have a call back feature if they are busy. So this app and the related one will not open any more.
I am having the same issue as everyone. I can't get to the login screen at all. The app is obviously generating more traffic than they can handle. These may be some of the issues the company running this app is not addressing: sluggishness of the server speed, encrypted connections are not optimized, gaulty library and software development kit, the app is overcrowded with data. They need address these points to ensure their app runs efficiently.
Would leave 0 stars if possible. Doesn't work. Forces you to enter mobile number to proceed. Then stays stuck on two factor authentication screen that is completely blank except for the heading and nowhere to enter code, no way to type or exit out of that screen. Just stuck there on blank screen with no bypass, exit or way to get to home screen. So frustrating. Before this issue started, the prob used to be nothing would load. Terrible app in every iteration.
app isn't working on my android phone. shows a blank screen instead of allowing me to enter my confirmation code. I have deleted the app and reinstalled and this is still totally unusable. The screen that is supposed to allow me to complete the 2 factor authentication is totally blank and unworkable. Not happy that my points are going unused because of this app, and zero customer service from BD
The mobile is too hard to see because it has a giant "for approval" space that pops up, then leaves you with a 1/8th inch space to try and sign into. No matter what you do, you can't get it to disappear. Which might mean you can only use the website and on a computer. Too frustrating to deal with and I'm deleting it. I'll just look for deals on Groupon which has an incredibly simple, easy to use app.
I recently joined Brilliant Distinctions. After setting up the account I saw the app for android phones, downloaded, installed on my Samsung then opened it. Logged in and, as so many other reviewers have said, a white box popped up asking me to enter a code that had been sent to my phone. I looked at the text messages on myphone, didn't have any new ones that were from BD. Then requested them to send a new code. same thing happened, no text found from BD and the white box would not allow me to go further until a code had been entered. This is very frustrating, they want clients to use the app, we want to use it, BUT if it only works correctly on an Apple phone -- I'm done. No Apple phone for me. Don't offer the choice of Apple Store & Google Store if app does not work on Android phone.
First time user here. I'm only giving three stars right now until the issues are resolved, but two problems occurred. First, I did not get points for downloading the app as was indicated, and secondly, a current offer is not showing up despite just having been told about it today by my provider. I hope the app turns out to be ok or else I'll just use the website instead.